Thank You for the Successful 2023
Hello Friends of ZSF!
You made a difference in the lives of children in Zambia! Thank you for your willingness to give so generously.
2023 Successes
6 schools were completed
3 schools were started and will be completed in 2024
700 Desk were built and installed
Sandcreek Middle School in Idaho raised money for the school building in Muteema
330 High Schools Student Scholarships
88 College & University Scholarships
66 Trade & Nursing Scholarships
23 Special Case Students
50 Adopted Teachers
22 Micro Grant Receiptiants
2024 Goals & Plans
ZSF is constructing a new computer lab & science lab in Kasama, Northern Zambia
Provide a monthly salary for Zambia Elementary School teachers
Provide scholarships for needy High School & 3-year College Students in the Northern Province
Provide equipment for entrepreneurial minded graduated students in the Northern Province
Provide building materials and desks to improve schools
297 High Schools Student Scholarships
57 College & University Scholarships
134 Trade & Nursing Scholarships
9 Special Case Students
60 Adopted Teachers
22 Micro Grant Receiptiants
Newsletter – New volunteer board member Howard Burkholz is taking over the Zambia Scholarship Fund Newsletter. Thanks to Tena for her efforts to prepare and send fantastic, inspiring, informative, and motivational newsletters in the past. Howard has been an ZSF donor for many years. He is a retired insurance broker. He spends his retirement as an international tour guide, golfer, hiker, skier. He loves photography too. Howard has been married to Liz Burton Burkholz from Bountiful for 40 years. Liz and Howard are the parents of four, and grandparents of 11 grandchildren (7 live in Utah and 4 live in Colorado). They have made their home in Kaysville, Utah for 38 years. Please email information, photographs, and content for future newsletters to
Posted by:
Evans Mulenga
Zambian Chair of social media and Technology