” The Heart of a Teacher: Transforming Pain into Purpose “

My Name is PROSPER one of the teachers you are sponsoring here in Zambia. I come
from a small tribe called BEMBA in the Northern part of Zambia. I am the last born in my
family. It seems I grew up in a path full of Thorns. My parents never reached secondary
school and were forced to do risk jobs just to provide for me & my siblings. Because of
that in 2002 my father died in a road accident and a short time later my mother
developed Tuberculosis T.B.
After my father’s death it became very difficult for my mother to provide for us because
she was suffering from the TB. Hence my elder sister (Abigail ) who was just 16 years
was forced to go in the street and start selling doormats which mum was making on the
days she felt well. At that time I was young and I hopelessly saw my sister struggle to
feed us. We depended much on her efforts to sell for us to eat and many are the times
things did not go our way. And because of that we were only eating once in a day and
sometimes we could go days without eating anything except taking water.
Despite us sleeping without eating my mother never allowed us to miss classes so we
went to school with empty stomachs every day. She believed that only Education can
take us out of poverty.

My mother did not have money to pay for my junior secondly so she sold her grass
house she bought with dad at K975 which is $39.My elder brother (Nicodemus) stopped
school as to help our elder sister provide food and help mother make more doormats, I
remember days we added salt to water and used that salt water as relish, I remember
days we went to our neighbors begging for mealie meal so that we can just eat, I
remember my sister washing people’s clothes so that we can eat, I remember people
insulting my mother for being poor yes I remember it like it was yesterday…
It was because of me seeing my mother cry that I said to myself mum I will make you
proud one day… Even though mom passed through these shameful stages while
struggling with coughs she kept emphasizing that Education is the only way out of
poverty… She encouraged my brother (Nicodemus ) to go back to school and
encouraged us all to remain focused and never admire things we don’t have. She always
taught us to be content with what we have and work hard so that we can have what we
wish we had. In 2013 I qualified to go to secondary school. Things became difficult, very
difficult because at this moment mom had nothing no house, just nothing and we
needed money so that I can start school…hope was lost my school space was about to
be given to someone because the period to report was almost over… We didn’t have
anything to eat, the landlord was about to chase us from his house because we had not
paid rent..

All faith was lost my friends started making fun of me I cried that day to God asking him
why he allowed me to come on earth… I remember seeing mom in tears as she saw her
last child trying to fulfill her dreams and she has nothing to give him except to
encourage him…
I went to see the headmaster at KASAMA BOY’S SECONDARY SCHOOL I still remember
that day.. may GOD bless that man for being honest.. I explained my situation to him
and at that time I didn’t even know that Zambia scholarship was existing. After hearing
my story he just said report tomorrow and we will add you to Zambia scholarship fund I
didn’t believe what I was hearing.
That offer changed my life so in 2013 I started my senior secondary school but eating
once in a day continued going with an empty stomach to school continued, staying in a
house without electricity continued. Sometimes because of hunger I was losing sight I
was not seeing properly on the board.

In 2015 I completed my senior secondary school and I passed my grade 12 in all eight
subjects getting 6 merits and 2 credits. I remember my mother dancing on that day.. I
remember her shedding tears of joy little did I know she only had a few years to live.
In 2017 Zambia scholarship fund gave me another opportunity to study teaching at
Kasama college of education my mother, my sister, and my two brothers were happy for
me because they knew we were near to overcome poverty. Our happiness did not last
long as in the same year my mother died. It’s difficult to talk about it… It’s now 7 years
but I still feel the pain she was my hero… It’s because of her that I have So much
respect to mothers. And in 2020 when I finished my secondary teacher training I
became jobless and Zambia scholarship fund did not fail me instead I was given a job to
teach in CHIKULU and I taught there for 3 years. I developed strong relationship with
pupils and the villagers it was beautiful. Though I go through painful moments everyday
Zambia scholarship fund has always been here to make me smile.. I love teaching in the
Bush because pupils there remind me of my painful seasons… I truly want to help by
giving my best lessons to a child in the Bush.
Thank you Soo much hopefully my story will inspire someone. I just want to let you
know that your donations saved my life… It saved my family from what you may see to
be little You saved me from becoming a thief, from being illiterate am here because of
your sacrifice…

Thank you once again.

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