Chilubanama Secondary schoool

Construction of a 1x 3 at chilubanama in kasama district has reached an advanced stage . This project will be… more

Zambia Scholarship Fund Has started constructing a 1×3 classroom for Emmanuel Community School

In the rolling hills of Northern Zambia, the Zambia Scholarship Fund (ZSF) has once again demonstrated its commitment to empowering… more

ZSF and Lyamishi Community Unites to Construct 1×3 Classroom Block

Lyamishi Primary School, located in the heart of Kasama District, has taken a significant step towards improving the education infrastructure… more

ZSF Celebrates 25 years!!

ZSF Celebrates 25 years!! The kick off . . . 1st Peggy’s books are free all this year! Don’t underestimate the… more